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Welcome to REACH BACK

At REACH BACK, we are committed to transforming lives and building resilient communities.

Our mission is to raise the next generation of leaders and provide an enabling environment to them to effectively reach back and champion change in their own communities.

With the urge of making our schools and communities safe and conducive to foster growth, collaboration and realization, we run Reach One Teach One programs (ROTO programs) in schools and our Temporary Learning Spaces to ensuring that children aged 4-17 and youth aged 18-35

  • Have access to quality education.
  • Benefit from WASH services and basic healthcare.
  • Gain hands-on skills.
  • Engage in extracurricular activities.
  • Showcase and preserve their culture.
  • Adopt friendly environmental practices.
  • Are protected from neglect, abuse, exploitation and violence.
  • And finally, are equipped with technology and a spirit of patriotism.

    In crisis affected areas such as in the NWSW regions of Cameroon, we set up Temporary Learning Spaces (TLS) which also serve as Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) where affected children and youth can benefit from

    • Basic WASH services and healthcare.
    • Non-formal and civic education.
    • Recreational activities.
    • Case Management and the possibility of being re-integrated into formal schools.

    These Temporal Learning Spaces are managed by highly trained ROTO supervisors and facilitators.

    In the NWSW regions of Cameroon, we currently run 03 Temporary Learning Spaces: 01 in Buea, precisely in Bokwaongo; 01 in Bamenda, precisely in Mile 90 Nsongwa; and 01 in Banso, precisely in Kingomen village.

    In formal schools, we collaborate with the school administration to strengthen and reinforce the following.

      Here, we assist to
      • Identify underprivileged learners and provide necessary financial assistance to help reduce dropout rates and increase school attendance.
      • Give learners the opportunity to complement formal education with some hands-on skills acquisition to bridge theory and practice.
      • Improve and/or provide adequate educational infrastructure support such as classrooms, laboratories, textbooks and technology.
      • Organize awareness and advocacy campaigns and workshops on the importance of education for every child especially for girls and children with disabilities.

    2. WASH SERVICES (Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene promotion):

      Together with the school administration, we thrive to ensure that the school

      • Has access to constant potable water.
      • is clean and respect standard hygiene measures.
      • Establishes an easy-to-manage solid waste disposal mechanism.
      • Has access to clean protected and separated latrines/toilets for students (male and female) and staff (male and female).
      • Has access to a functional school infirmary and a decent canteen or “dining shed”.

    3. CHILD PROTECTION (Prevention of and Response to Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation and Violence against Children):

      Here, we collaborate with the school administration and counselors to ensure that learners

      • Benefit from Awareness and Response campaigns on Child Protection.
      • Are free from drugs, gangs and other indulgences that negatively affect their wellbeing.
      • Are free from sexual exploitation and abuse.
      • Are free from other exploitation, harassment, abuse and violence.
      • Affected properly receive MHPSS (Mental Health and Psychosocial Support) and professional referral.
      • Perpetrators are booked and brought to justice.


      In very close collaboration with the school administration, students and teachers, we

      • Support in organizing free and fair student government elections (class prefects, school prefects and club leaders) to promote ethical leadership and active citizenship.
      • Train the elected student leaders in leadership, good governance and policymaking.
      • Provide complementary support to the school’s clubs and other extracurricular activities.
      • Encourage and assist those aged 20 years and above to register, vote and protect their votes during local and national elections.

    5. In conclusion, we currently run Temporary Learning Spaces in Buea, Bamenda and Banso. And work in close collaboration with some schools in Buea but we intend to extend to other schools and set up more Temporary Learning Spaces in the NWSW regions and country at large depending on our resources. We are moving one step at a time.

      Join us in our mission in creating a brighter, more sustainable future for all. Together, we can reach back and lift up.

Our Programs

Our various Reach One Teach One or ROTO outreach programs include :-


ROTO Sports program

ROTOpreneur program

ROTO Farms program

ROTO Culture program

ROTO TECH program

Impacts We've Made

Through our Sustainable Livelihood Project, Election 4 All Project and Tomorrow Leaders Project, we have been able to make the following social impacts.

Some of Our Partners